Submitting your Map

There are three components to a map submitted through a forum post:

exampleA bad example and a good example.

Having a poorly shot image album can really hurt your chances of getting your map noticed. Here are a few pointers for choosing what to show and how to show it:

For your description, identify and explain your major design decisions. Even if you're wrong about things, whoever's judging your submission will have a better idea as to your intent if the map doesn't play well.

For maps that aren't being submitted for review and are being posted for individual use, make sure to keep your blurb focused on a “hook” that makes your map unique, rather than getting especially technical. Also, make sure that your images show the best features of the map, but are varied enough such that anyone viewing would want to see more.

For your map download, be sure to prune the map folder by using MCEdit to delete unused chunks, and remove all files except for the level.dat, region folder, and xml/json file if it's included. Click here for a visual guide on using MCEdit to prune your map.

Once submitted, reception of a map as it goes through review can be categorized one of three things:

In the case that you're sending a map for review or feedback through a direct message, there are a few things to keep in mind. Most importantly, not everyone will have the time or interest to help you. Silence, “not right now”, and “ask this person instead”, are all roundabout ways of saying no that mean you should move on and ask someone else. Second, when someone does help, they are not necessarily committing to further help. Repeatedly messaging someone who does not respond to you or becoming reliant on someone who has is not professional, and won't get you farther.

Last: Aesthetics